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Prairie Lakes District











Our vision: To start churches that will start churches to reach the unchurched.


Our Goal: To put the right church planter in the right place, with the right plan, with the right people, and the right financial package. This involves assessment, training, coaching, sponsor churches, and opening streams of income.


Church planting models: High impact churches, house churches, ethnic churches, neighborhood churches, campus churches, video campus churches, restart churches, new churches within a church, and other types of new churches.


Our structure: We believe in high accountability and low control. We give the church planter freedom in forming their vision, choosing their target audience and determining how the finances are spent. We provide accountability through coaching, reporting and relationships with district leaders, other church planters and pastors.


Our process:

1. Assessment.

2. Church Planting Essentials Training with a Vision Plan Timeline.

3. Locating the right target community.

4. Securing coaching and sponsor church or churches.

5. A church planting contract with financial agreements.

6. Networking to find launch team members.

7. The church planting adventure begins.



Church planting coordinators:




                               Saul Carranza- Hispanic Coordinator



                               Phone: 763-245-2378








                                Position to be Filled -  Church Plant Coordinator




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